Plastics, Practice & Pancakes

At Saint Catherine Academy we search for innovative learning experiences that enforce the education plans within the classroom. These experiences offer authentic learning that enables students to learn skills and apply them in the real world.
All the classrooms collect bottles and cans to be recycled. Mr. Jim Winebrenner’s classroom regularly separates the Academy’s plastics and cans to practice identifying and sorting. Every few weeks they bring them to Stop & Shop in Fairfield to recycle through the bottle return machines. With the saved proceeds, they decided to continue learning opportunities by hosting a pancake breakfast for the entire Academy.
They set up a “mock restaurant” for classrooms to practice multiple skills used in real life situations. Vinny followed directions to prepare the pancakes with help from Occupational Therapy. Speech therapy assisted students with “ordering” their food as well as asking for toppings they would like. Some students ordered using assisted communication on their iPads. Vinny, Briana, Nyah, Tanisha and Frank set up, served pancakes, and handed out plates, napkins and utensils. Students also practiced paying and exchanging money. “Comprehending extensions of daily living fosters independence and gives students the freedom to make choices,” explains Danny Kovacs, Teaching Assistant.
This wonderful activity was a great way for students to practice real life skills in a safe simulated environment. With practice and repetition, students gain confidence to use these skills in their daily lives outside of school.
Check out a short video for more photos: